MusicFellas makes music more cool!

MusicFellas is a social, indie music discovery platform where one can have meaningful interactions around the music. It helps discovering new music, have conversations and support the artists. The artists get 70% of whatever people pay to buy their music.

In conversation with Aakriti Bhargava from Boring Brands , the young co-founders talk about their startup moments and life in MusicFellas.



How did you get the idea for your startup?

We just wanted to build something which was more personal and easy to buy music from. Earlier, we used to write a music blog. This tool was carved out of the blog.


Tell us something about Musicfellas?

Musicfellas is a social discovery platform for independent music. We help the fans to have meaningful conversations. We’re doing this to create a better listening experience.


Who made the initial investments and how did you get it together?

We’ve invested our own money, our savings from our respective jobs.


Your Favourite Start-up moment so far?

The launch day – we got insane amount of love from everyone who used the product.


Tell us the toughest investor question put across to you guys and your answer for it?

Tough because many of them can’t believe it

It was the market size for digital indie music – $ 2.8 Billion


How did you get your first 10 customers / clients?

We started discussing the concept with mostly our friends who then spread the word. And thankfully, the artists themselves have shared about us a lot.


What is the biggest asset for your startup?

The team ofcourse.


What is the founder’s biggest fear?

Cash in bank – because that might be a reason we might look at short term goals instead of more fruitful long term strategy.

As an endeavour to give a platform to product startups in India, Product Nation will continue to bring to you a short tête-à-tête with some really cool and young startups.