iSPIRT Presents Poster Session & Product Discussion With Don Norman

Don Norman, the pioneer of design in the 21st century, is visiting India. Presenting you with an opportunity to engage with the living legend in a closed-door interaction where you can discuss your solution/product and get unbiased feedback on 20th February 2019 in Bengaluru. 

We’re looking for solutions in the social space that are building for the next 500 million in India.

About Don Norman

Don Norman is Director of the recently established Design Lab at the University of California, San Diego where he is also professor emeritus of both psychology and cognitive science and a member of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. He is the co-founder of the Nielsen Norman Group, an executive consulting firm that helps companies produce human-centered products and services. He is an honorary professor of Tongji University’s College of Design and Innovation (Shanghai). He serves as an advisor and board member of numerous companies and organizations. Norman has been Vice President of Apple in charge of the Advanced Technology Group and an executive at both Hewlett Packard and UNext (a distance education company).


Poster session  – Show us what you’re working on and how your solution is better in a poster format.

Product Teardown – Engage with Don over your product and discuss what you’re doing well and what can be done better.

If you are interested or know someone who would be interested in growing through this experience, please do register or help them register here by 15th February 2019. Since this is a curated event and there are limited seats we would request you to kindly apply at the earliest. (An invite confirmation will be sent shortly after registration)

For further query, you can write to us at

Thinking PN: Tribute to the Spirit of ISPIRT

The Dream of a Product Nation, to give India its true Identity and enable Bharat to be the crown jewel of the World, took seed in Feb 2013. An idea to harness the energy of many volunteers inspired by the Open Source movement took the shape of iSPIRT and Product Nation.

The Spectrum of Volunteering spreads from Bad-to-Good-to-Great. Adam Grant in his book Give and Take highlights this mindset of Giving & Taking. There are some Volunteers who Commit to Doing Whatever it Takes, Giving completely Selfless, while some even Indulge in Malicious Free Riding. 

Celebrating iSPIRT’s 3rd Anniversary

Creating a Unique and Distinct Organization, unlike Trade Bodies, and keeping the Spirit of Volunteering in the mind at all times, makes it an even arduous journey. But iSPIRT just completed 3 years and celebrations of the 3rd Anniversary, has instilled a great sense of community building, while Thinking Product Nation (Thinking PN).

The 3rd year Celebration on its Agenda had a lot of things, but it mostly highlighted the Success of Volunteering and the Power of Selfless Contribution.

There were many Events and Sessions since Morning, Notably

  1. Highlights of Various iSPIRT programs like Playbook Round Tables, iKEN, InTech50, SaasX, etc.
  2. Health Tech, M&Connect are tracks which promise a lot for the Startup Entrepreneur
  3. Ecosystem Policy Nudging Programs
  4. India Stack and the FinTech Revolution brewing currently.

But the Most Notable one was Celebrating the Spirit of ISPIRT.

Spirit of ISPIRT

This video below tells the Celebration of the Spirit of ISPIRT, better than words can describe.


India will Innovate for the next 6 Billion. The dream of a Product Nation will be realized only by harnessing the Collective Energy of millions of Change Makers. People who create great poetry by being on the arduous journey of a Volunteer, of a Selfless Contributor. The Spirit of ISPIRT is best embraced by getting your hands dirty, focusing on small, mundane, and gritty details to do whatever it takes, to positively affect the outcome of initiatives. That is what Power Volunteers DO, & that is what gets Celebrated. Join the Movement & say Cheers to the Spirit of ISPIRT!