Calling Startups and Young Entrepreneurs to connect with leaders of the Ecosystem-YESSS

iSPIRT is happy to collaborate with and encourage YESSS – Young Entrepreneurs & Startups in Soaring Spirits.

08 to 10 December, 2015 ,The Lalit Ashok, Bengaluru,

YESSS is designed in association with various Startup networks. At YESSS, select startups  – with great business ideas offering unique technologies, products or services –  will be given an opportunity to pitch to potential investors. We are on the lookout for razor sharp minds, financial hawks and techie wizards and we will be testing their talent, tenacity, and the team work!!

YESSS invites applications from 

  • Technology Entrepreneurs in the early stage of business (0-3years)
  • Innovative Business Ideas that have a wide impact on society
  • Startups requiring mentoring, incubation and investment to shape and grow their business

Who will attend 

Companies looking for innovative business ideas and technology solutions , IP firms, IT industry captains, angel investors and VCs, government funding agencies and  financial institutions.

How to Participate
If you are a tech entrepreneur with an innovative idea or a budding entrepreneur with a simple business plan, send your application/abstract on or before 3rd December , 2015.

The abstracts would be reviewed by an Expert Committee and you may be invited to make a presentation. The Expert Committee will choose 8 finalists, who would be offered an opportunity to make a presentation during the YESSS session at Bangalore 2015

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For Registration and Participation opportunities, kindly contact Prabha – 

Mobile: +91-9916785005 | Tel: 080-41131912 -13


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