iSPIRT’s Official Response to the Draft Drone Rules 2021

This is our response to the Draft Drone Rules 2021 published by the Ministry of Civil Aviation on 14 July 2021.


The potential commercial benefits that unmanned aviation can bring to an economy has been well established in several countries. A primary and immediate use-case for drones is in Geospatial data acquisition for various applications such as infrastructure planning, disaster management, resource mapping etc. In fact, as argued in the recently announced guidelines for Geospatial data, the availability of data and modern mapping technologies to Indian companies is crucial for achieving India’s policy aim of Atmanirbhar Bharat and the vision for a five trillion-dollar economy.

The current situation in India, however, is that the drone ecosystem is at a point of crisis where civilian operations are possible in theory, but extremely difficult in practice. Because the regulations in place are not possible to comply with, they have led to the creation of a black market. Illegally imported drones are not only significantly faster, cheaper and easier to fly but also far more easily acquired than attempting to go through the red tape of the previous regulations to acquire approved drones. Thus, rather than creating a system that incentivises legal use of drones, albeit imported, we’ve created a system that makes it near impossible for law-abiding citizens to follow the law of the land and discourages them from participating in the formal system. This not only compromises on the economic freedom of individuals and businesses but it also poses a great national security risk as evidenced in the recent spate of drone attacks. If we do not co-opt the good actors at the earliest, we are leaving our airspaces even more vulnerable to bad actors. This will also result in a failure to develop a world-class indigenous drone & counter-drone industry, thus not achieving our goals of an Atmanirbhar Bharat.

The Draft Drone Rules (henceforth the draft) have addressed some of these problems by radically simplifying and liberalising the administrative process but haven’t liberalised the flight operations. Unfortunately, closing only some of the gaps will not change the outcome. The draft rules leave open the same gaps that cause the black market to be preferred over the legal route.

With the three tenets of Ease-of-Business, Safety and Security in mind, it is our view that while the intention behind the draft rules is laudable, we feel that the following areas must be addressed to enable easy & safe drone operations in India:

  1. Remove Requirement of Certificate of Airworthiness: The draft mandates airworthiness certification for drones whereas, no appropriate standards have been developed, thus, making the mandate effectively impossible to comply with.
  2. Lack of Airspace segregation, zoning and altitude restrictions: The draft doesn’t mention any progressive action for permitting drone operations in controlled airspaces.
  3. Business confidentiality must be preserved: The prescribed rules for access to data is not in consonance with the Supreme Court Right to Privacy Judgement
  4. Lack of transparent Import Policy: This results in severe restrictions on the import of critical components thus disincentivizing indigenous development of drones in India
  5. Insurance & Training must be market-driven and not mandated: We must let market forces drive the setting up of specialised training schools & insurance products & once mature they may be mandated & accredited. This will result in the creation of higher quality services & a safer ecosystem.
  6. Fostering innovation and becoming Atmanirbhar:
    A. Encouraging R&D: by earmarking airspace for testing for future drones
    B. Encouraging the domestic drone manufacturing industry: through a system of incentives and disincentivizing imports should be inherent in the Drone Rules.
    C. Recognition of Hobby flying: Hobbyists are a vital part of the innovation ecosystem; however, they are not adequately recognised and legitimized
  7. Encouraging A Just Culture: Effective root cause analysis would encourage a safety-oriented approach to drone operations. Penal actions should be the last resort and dispute resolution should be the focus.
  8. Enabling Increased Safety & Security: NPNT and altitude restrictions would enhance safety and security manifold.
  9. No Clear Institutional Architecture: Like GSTN, NPCI, NHA, ISRO, and others a special purpose vehicle must be created to anchor the long-term success of Digital Sky in India based on an established concept of operations
  10. Lack of a Concept of Operations: Although drone categories have been defined, they have not been used adequately for incremental permissions, as in other countries; rather the draft appears to prefer a blank slate approach. The failure to adopt an incremental approach can arguably be considered as one of the root causes of the drone policy failures till date in India as regulations are being framed for too many varied considerations without adequate experience in any.
1. Airworthiness

In the long term, it is strategically crucial to India’s national interest to develop, own and promulgate standards, to serve as a vehicle for technology transfer and export. The mandatory requirement for certification of drone categories micro and up is the key to understanding why the draft does not really liberalise the drone industry. It would not be too out of place to state that the draft only creates the facade of liberalising drone operations – it is actually as much of a non-starter as the previous versions of regulations.

The standards for issuance of airworthiness certificates have not been specified yet the requirement has been stipulated as mandatory for all operations above nano category in the draft (pts 4-6). However, most of the current commercial operations are likely to happen in the micro and small categories. And for these categories, no standards have been specified by either EASA or FAA. EASA’s approach has been to let the manufacturer certify the drone-based on minimum equipment requirements. On the other hand, It is only fairly recently that the FAA has specified airworthiness criteria for BVLOS operations for a particular drone type of 40kg, and which it expanded to 10 drone types in November. Building standards is an onerous activity that necessitates a sizable number of drones having been tested and criteria derived therefrom. The only other recourse would be adopting standards published elsewhere, and as of date these are either absent (not being mandated in other countries) or actively being developed (cases noted earlier). Given the lack of international precedent, the stipulation for certificate of airworthiness in the draft needs to be eliminated, at least for micro and small category drones.

2. Airspace

One of the major concerns since the early days of policy formulation in India has been the definition of airspace and its control zones. All regulations till date, including the draft, require prior air traffic control approvals for drone operations in controlled zones. However, given that controlled airspace in India starts from the ground level for the controlled zones upto 30 nm around most airports (unlike many other countries where it starts at higher levels), it effectively means no drone operations are possible in the urban centres in the vicinity of airports in India. While the Green/Yellow/Red classification system is a starting point for Very Low-Level airspace classification, the draft does not move to enable the essential segregated airspace for drone operations up to an altitude limit of 500ft above ground level.

3. Business Confidentiality

In the domain of Privacy Law, India has taken significant strides to ensure protection of individual and commercial rights over data. The draft (pt 23.) in its current form seems to be out of alignment with this, allowing government and administrations access to potentially private and commercially sensitive information with carte blanche. The models of privacy adopted in other countries in unmanned aviation are often techno-legal in nature. It is recommended that DigitalSky/UTM-SP network data access be technically restricted to certain Stakeholder-Intent mappings: executing searches for Law Enforcement, audit for the DGCA, aviation safety investigations and for Air Traffic Control/ Management. This would need due elaboration in the detailed UTM policy complemented with a legal framework to penalise illegitimate data access.

4. Insurance

One constant hindrance to compliance is the requirement of liability transfer. While the principle of mitigating pilot and operator liability in this fashion is sound, the ground reality is that as of date, very few insurance products are available at reasonable prices. The reason behind it is that insurance companies have not been able to assess the risks of this nascent industry. Assuming the regulation is notified in its current form (pt 28), arguably affording a clean start at scaling up drone operations, we will continue in this vicious dependency loop in the absence of incentives to either end. Again, market forces will drive the development of this industry with customers driving the need for drone operators to obtain insurance for the respective operations. Therefore it is recommended that initially, insurance should not be mandated for any category or type of drone operations, and instead be driven by market or commercial necessity. Over a period of time, insurance may be mandated within the ecosystem.

Similar feedback has been shared by Insurers: “Though the regulator (aviation regulator) has made mandatory the third party insurance, the compensation to be on the lines of the Motor Vehicles Act is somewhat not in line with international practices,” the working group set up by Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) said.”

5. Training

Currently, there’s a requirement of training with an authorized remote pilot training organization (RPTO) (pt 25), applicable for micro-commercial purposes and above (pt 24). While the intent is right, it should not be mandated at the initial stage. The reality is that there are very few RPTO’s that offer training and the cost of such training is often higher than the cost of the drones themselves, while quality is inconsistent. While the current draft rules try to address this problem, they do this with the assumption that liberalizing the requirements for establishing RPTO’s will solve this problem. While this incentivizes more RPTO’s to be established, it still does not incentivize quality and leaves in place the same bureaucratic process for registration. This has been the experience of the ecosystem so far. While it is certainly reasonable to expect that remote pilots should receive training, the goal of better informed and equipped pilotry is better achieved, at this time, if left to manufacturers and market participants to drive it.

There are currently two types of training – Type training and Airspace training. Type training can be driven by manufacturers in the early days, as is the current practice, and Airspace training can be achieved through an online quiz, based on a Concept of Operations. It is our view that customers of drones will have a natural incentive to seek training for their pilots, thereby creating the market need for better quality training schools. Furthermore, as manufacturers establish higher levels of standardization and commoditization, they will partner with training schools directly to ensure consistent quality. In the upcoming years, as the drone ecosystem grows more mature, it will become reasonable to revisit the need for mandating pilot training at approved training schools, and DGCA may create a program that accredits the various RPTOs.

6. Fostering innovation and becoming Atmanirbhar
6A. R&D

To encourage institutional research and development further, we recommend authorised R&D zones be designated, particularly where low population and large areas (like deserts, etc) are available, some key areas of experimentation being long range and logistics operations which might require exemptions from certain compliance requirements.

6B. Import policy

Rather than simply delegating the entire import policy to DGFT (pt 8), there needs to be a clear statement of the import guidelines in the rules based on the following principles in the current draft:

  1. No barriers for the importation of components and intermediary goods for local assembly, value addition and R&D activities
  2. Disincentivising import of finished drone products, both pre-assembled and Completely Knocked Down. Possible avenues could be imposition of special import duty as part of well-considered policy of “infant industry protection”, a policy used successfully in the recent past in South Korea and is considered a part of the policy of Atmanirbhar Bharat by the Principal Economic Advisor to the PM, Sanjeev Sanyal.
  3. Incentivising investments in the indigenous manufacturing industry by aligning public drone procurement with the Defence Acquisition Procedure (2020) and supplemented by targeted government programs such as PLI schemes and local component requirements, which will help realise the PM’s vision of ‘Make in India’ and “Atmanirbhar Bharat’.
  4. In the long term, developing incentives for assemblers to embed themselves into global value chains and start moving up the value chain by transitioning to local manufacturing and higher value addition in India, to be in line with the PM’s vision of Atmanirbhar Bharat. Some suggestions here would be prioritisation for locally manufactured drones for government contracts, shorter registration validity for non-locally manufactured drones etc.
6C. Hobby Fliers

While research and development within the confines of institutions is often encumbered by processes and resource availability, hobby and model flying has enjoyed a long history in manned aviation as a key type of activity where a large amount of innovation happens. Hobby clubs such as The Homebrew Computer Club, of which Steve Jobs and Wozniak were members, and NavLab at Carnegie Mellon University are instances out of which successful industries have taken off. Far from enabling hobby or recreational fliers, they are not even addressed in the draft, which would only limit indigenous technology development. Legally speaking, it would be bad in law to ban hobby flying activities considering hobby fliers enjoy privilege under the grandfathering rights. A solution could lie in recognising hobbyists & establishing hobby flying green zones which may be located particularly where low population and large areas are available. Alternatively, institution-based hobby flying clubs could be authorised with the mandate to regulate the drone use of members while ensuring compliance with national regulations. The responsibility of ensuring safe flying would rest with these registered hobby clubs as is the case in Europe and USA.

7. Encouraging A Just Culture

Implementation is the key to the success of any policy. One of the key factors in encouraging voluntary compliance is an effective means of rewarding the compliant actors while suitably penalising any intentional or harmful violations. Therefore, arguably, an important step could be to build such rewards and punishments. In the context of aviation safety and security, the key lies in effective investigation of any violation while fostering a non-punitive culture. Effective investigations enable suitable corrective actions whilst minimal penal actions encourage voluntary reporting of infringements and potential safety concerns. ICAO encourages a just and non-punitive culture to enhance safety. Penal actions, if considered essential, should be initiated only after due opportunity and should have no criminal penalties except for deliberate acts of violence or acts harming India’s national security. However, considering the fallout from any unintentional accident as well, there should be adequate means for dispute resolution including adjudication.

8. Enabling Increased Safety & Security

The draft while taking a blank slate approach clearly aims to reduce hurdles in getting drones flying. However, we argue that lack of clarity on several issues or not recognising certain ground realities actually reduces the chance of achieving this. We list the details of these issues in the subsections below.

Points 13-14 acknowledge the existence of non-NPNT (No Permission No Takeoff) compliant drones and makes airworthiness the sole criteria for legally flying, provided such drone models are certified by QCI and are imported before the end of this year and registered with DigitalSky. This is a great step forward, however, keeping in mind the win-for-security that NPNT provides through trusted permissioning and logs, it is recommended that NPNT be phased back in with an adoption period of 6 months from the date of notification.

To bring back a semblance of safety to the thought process and keeping in mind that manned aviation would be operating above 500 ft except for takeoff, landing and emergencies, it would be pragmatic to enforce altitude fencing in addition to two-dimensional fencing going forward. Permissive regulation has the effect of encouraging good and bad actors alike, and this measure ensures the correct footing for the looming problem of interaction between manned and unmanned traffic management systems, where risk of mid-air collisions may be brought back within acceptable limits.

9. Institutional Architecture

The draft indicates that institutions such as QCI and Drone Promotion Council (DPC), along with the Central Government, would be authorised to specify various standards and requirements. However, no details have been specified on the means for notification of such standards as in the case of the Director-General (Civil Aviation) having the powers to specify standards in the case of manned aircraft. Such enabling provisions are essential to be factored in the policy so as to minimise constraints in the operationalisation of regulations e.g. as was observed in the initial operationalisation of CAR Section 3 Series X Part I which did not have a suitable enabling provision in the Aircraft Rules.

Further, effective implementation demands that responsibility for implementation be accompanied by the authority to lay down regulations which is sadly missed out in the draft. In the instant draft, the authority to lay down standards rests with QCI/ DPC but the responsibility for implementation rests with DGCA which creates a very likely situation wherein the DGCA may not find adequate motivation or clarity for the implementation of policy/ rules stipulated by QCI/ DPC.

It is not clear that setting up a DPC would advance policy-making and be able to effect the changes needed in the coming years to accelerate unmanned aviation without compromising safety and security. We argue that for effective policy and making a thriving drone ecosystem, Digital Sky is a unique and vital piece of digital infrastructure that needs to be developed and nurtured. In the domain of tech-driven industries, the track record of Special Purpose Vehicles (SPV) is encouraging in India, the NSDL, NPCI and GSTN being shining examples.

The field of unmanned aviation has its own technical barriers to policy making. Its fast-evolving nature makes it extremely difficult for regulators who might not have enough domain knowledge to balance the risks and benefits to a pro-startup economy such as that of India. With the context formed through the course of this paper, it is our view that an SPV with a charter that would encompass development of a concept of operations, future standards, policy, promotion and industry feedback, would be the best step forward. A key example of success to model on would be that of ISRO, which is overseen by the Prime Minister. This would remove inter-ministerial dependencies by overburdening the existing entrenched institutions.

10. Lack of a Concept of Operations

The difference in thought processes behind this draft and the rules notified on 12th March 2021 is significant and is indicative of the large gap between security-first and an efficiency-first mindsets; keeping in mind that mature policymaking would balance the three tenets. It also points to the lack of a common picture of how a drone ecosystem could realistically evolve in terms of technology capability and market capacity while keeping balance with safety and security. The evolving nature of unmanned aviation requires an incremental risk-based roadmap; the varied interests of its many stakeholders makes reaching consensus on key issues a multi-year effort. To this end, taking inspiration from various sources and focusing on the harsh realities peculiar to India, we are in the process of drafting a Concept of Operations for India.

Concluding remarks

With the goal of raising a vibrant Indian drone ecosystem, we recommend the following actionable steps be taken by policy makers:

Immediate Term – Enabling The Ecosystem

Changes to the draft

  1. Airworthiness Compliance requirements for all drone categories be removed till such standards are published
  2. Hobby flying and R&D Green zones be designated in low risk areas
  3. Guiding principles for Import policy formulation be laid out to incentivise import drone parts and de-incentivise drone models
  4. A privacy model be applied to DigitalSky ecosystem data access that technically restricts abuse while laying a foundation for a legal framework for penalties
  5. Insurance be not mandated for any drone categories
  6. The provision for setting up the Drone Promotion Council be subsumed by a SPV as discussed below
Next six months – Setting the ecosystem up for long-term success

A) NPNT be re-notified as a bedrock requirement for security

B) An SPV outside of entrenched institutions be set up with a charter to

1. Envision India’s concept of aviation operations for the next few decades

2. Formulate Future Policy and institutionalize some aspects of key enablers of operations currently missing in India:

  • Development / update of ConOps
  • Monitor / develop / customize International standards
  • Establish Standards for Airworthiness and Flight Training

3. Develop and operationalise DigitalSky in an open, collaborative fashion with oversight and technical governance mechanisms

4. Redefine control zones and segregate airspace for drone operations

5. Establish an advisory committee with equitable membership of stakeholders

6. Address all charter items of the Drone Promotion Council

Key Authors

1) Amit Garg –

2) George Thomas –

3) Hrishikesh Ballal –

4) Manish Shukla –

5) Siddharth Ravikumar –

6) Sayandeep Purkayasth –

7) Siddharth Shetty –

8) Tanuj Bhojwani –

About iSPIRT Foundation

iSPIRT (Indian Software Product Industry Round Table) is a technology think tank run by passionate volunteers for the Indian Software Product Industry. Our mission is to build a healthy, globally competitive and sustainable product industry in India.

For more, please visit or write to

iSPIRT’s Official Response to the Draft Drone Rules 2021 from ProductNation/iSPIRT

Technical Standards of the Personal Health Records (PHR) component of the National Health Stack

We have an exciting announcement for you all today!

We are publishing a draft of the technical standards of the Personal Health Records (PHR) component of the National Health Stack (NHS)!

As a refresher, these standards govern the consented sharing of health information between Health Information Providers (HIPs) – like hospitals, pathology labs, and clinics –  and Health Information Users (HIUs) like pharmacies, medical consultants, doctors, and so on. The user’s consent to share their health data is issued via a new entity called a Health Data Consent Manager (HDCM). 

This is a big deal. The problem today is that the electronic health records listed in one app or ecosystem are not easily portable to other systems. There is no common standard that can be used to discover, share, and authenticate data between different networks or ecosystems. This means that the electronic medical records generated by users end up being confined to many different isolated silos, which can result in frustrating and complex experiences for patients wishing to manage data lying across different providers. 

With the PHR system, a user is able to generate a longitudinal view of their health data across providers. The interoperability and security of the PHR architecture allows users to securely discover, share, and manage their health data in a safe, convenient, and universally acceptable manner. For instance, a user could use a HDCM to discover their account at one hospital or diagnostic lab, and then select certain electronic reports to share with a doctor from another hospital or clinic. The flow of data would be safe, and the user would have granular control over who can access their data and for how long. Here is a small demo of the PHR system in action. 

The standards document released today offers a high level description of the architecture and flows that make this possible. You can find version 0.5 of the document embedded below.

Health Information Flows Technical Standards – V 0.5 from ProductNation/iSPIRT.

All the exciting progress we are making on this new digital public infrastructure for healthcare is all thanks to you, the community. We are grateful for your support and look forward to engaging with you further!

The blogpost is co-authored by our volunteers Aaryaman Vir, Saurabh Panjwani and Graphics by Dharmesh BA.

iSPIRT Open House Sessions on NHS: Summary & Next Steps

Yesterday afternoon, we hosted our first Open House Session in partnership with Swasth Alliance on the National Health Stack (NHS). For those unfamiliar with this infrastructure, it is helpful to picture the NHS as a multi-layer cake designed to elevate the capacity of the Indian healthcare ecosystem.

At the base layer is a set of generic building blocks. These building blocks, which include bank accounts, digital identities, and mobile numbers, form the basic rails needed to identify, transact with, and communicate with individuals and businesses. Many components of IndiaStack – such as eSign and DigiLocker – leverage and augment these building blocks. 

The next layer of the NHS is the ‘plumbing layer’. This layer contains fundamental pillars needed to enable simple, intelligent, and secure healthcare solutions. The three main pillars of the NHS plumbing layer are electronic registries, a personal health record framework, and a claims engine. A brief summary of these pillars is provided below:

  1. Electronic Registries: these registries  allow for efficient discovery and authentication of doctors, hospitals, and other healthcare providers
  2. Personal Health Records System (PHR): a system that allows individuals to enjoy a longitudinal view of all their healthcare data and exercise granular control over how this data is stored and accessed
  3. Claims Engine: a software engine that reduces the cost of processing insurance claims, enabling insurers to cover more kinds of healthcare procedures, such as preventive checkups, walk-in consultations, and other low-cost but high-value procedures that are currently excluded from Indian insurance policies

The third layer of the NHS is an augmentation layer which is intended to utilize the three pillars of the NHS to bring greater efficiency to the Indian healthcare ecosystem. The doctor: patient ratio in this country is relatively low, and cannot be changed overnight.

Having said that, increasing the efficiency of each doctor would have a similar effect to increasing this doctor: patient ratio. The augmentation layer of the NHS is designed to drive up doctor efficiency through the use of technology. Examples of this kind of technology could include a matching engine to pair patients with the most relevant doctor, or a system to help doctors securely and remotely monitor the bio-markers of their patients. Unlike the plumbing layer, the augmentation layer of the NHS is not close to completion, but we do envisage the augmentation layer playing an important role in the ascent of Indian healthcare quality. Both the plumbing layer and the augmentation layer are designed as open, standardized interfaces. These layers serve as digital public infrastructure accessible to public and private entities wishing to build atop them.

That brings us to the fourth and final layer of the NHS: the application layer. This layer comprises all the government and private sector applications that aim to serve the diverse needs of Indian patients. The first three layers of the NHS exist so that the innovators and change-makers of the fourth layer are optimally empowered to organize, access, and process the data that they need to deliver the best service to their users.

National Health Stack Overview

The first session on the NHS followed this schedule and published the entire webinar on our official Youtube channel:

  •  An introduction to iSPIRT and our values
  • An overview of the NHS
  • A deep-dive into and demonstration of the PHR pillar of the plumbing layer
  • A question-answer session with the audience

The objective of the session was to drive awareness of the NHS components, objectives, timelines, and design philosophies. We want participants from all walks of healthcare to be engaged with the NHS and take part in building it.

In keeping with this objective, we will be hosting weekly open house sessions to keep diving deeper into the National Health Stack. The next such event will take place on Saturday (30th May) at 11:30 am. The focus of this second session will be on another pillar of the plumbing layer – the electronic registry system. More specifically, the session will focus upon the doctor registry. 

Readers who wish to learn more about the NHS are encouraged to share this post and sign up now for the session below or click here.

Readers may also submit questions about the NHS to We shall do our best to answer these questions during next Saturday’s open house discussion. 

About the Author: The post is co-authored by our volunteers Aaryaman Vir, Siddharth Shetty and Karthik K S.

Further Reading

The future of ‘civic’ technologies after COVID-19

In 1973, the British economist Ernst Schumacher wrote his manifesto “Small is Beautiful”, and changed the world. Schumacher’s prescription — to use technologies that were less resource-intensive, capable of generating employment, and “appropriate” to local circumstances — appealed to a Western audience that worried about feverish consumption by the ‘boomer’ generation. Silicon Valley soon seized the moment, presenting modern-day, personal computing as an alternative to the tyranny of IBM’s Big Machine. Meanwhile, in India too, the government asked citizens to embrace technologies suited to the country’s socio-economic life. Both had ulterior motives: the miniaturisation of computing was inevitable given revolutions in semiconductor technology during the sixties and seventies, and entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley expertly harvested the anti-IBM mood to offer themselves as messiahs. The government in New Delhi too was struggling to mass-produce machines, and starved of funds, so asking Indians to “make do” with appropriate technology was as much a political message as it was a nod to environmentalism.

And thus, India turned its attention to mechanising bullock carts, producing fuel from bio-waste, trapping solar energy for micro-applications, and encouraging the use of hand pumps. These were, in many respects, India’s first “civic”, or socially relevant technologies.

The “appropriate technology” movement in India had two unfortunate consequences. The first has been a celebration of jugaad, or frugal innovation. Over decades, Indian universities, businesses and inventors have pursued low-cost technologies that are clearly not scaleable but valued culturally by peers and social networks. (Sample the press coverage every year of IIT students who build ‘sustainable’ but limited-use technologies, that generate fuel from plastic or trap solar energy for irrigation pumps.) Second, the “small is beautiful” philosophy also coloured our view of “civic technologies” as those that only mobilise the citizenry, out into farms or factory floors. Whether they took the form of a hand pump, solar stove or bullock cart, these technologies did little to augment the productivity of an individual. However, they preserved the larger status quo and did not disrupt social or industrial relations as technological revolutions have historically done. 

Nevertheless, there has always been a latent demand in India for technologies that don’t just mobilise individuals but also act as “playgrounds”, creating and connecting livelihoods. When management guru Peter Drucker visited post-Emergency India in 1979, Prime Minister Morarji Desai sold him hard on “appropriate technology”. India, Drucker wrote, had switched overnight from championing big steel plants to small bullock carts. Steel created no new jobs outside the factory, and small technologies did not improve livelihoods. Instead, he argued, India ought to look at the automotive industry as an “efficient multiplier” of livelihoods: beyond the manufacturing plant, automobiles would create new sectors altogether in road building and maintenance, traffic control, dealerships, service stations and repair. Drucker also pointed to the transistor as another such technology. Above all, transistors and automobiles connected Indians to one another through information and travel. Drucker noted during his visit that the motor scooter and radio transistor were in great demand in even far-flung corners, a claim that is borne by statistics. These, then were the civic technologies that mattered, ones that created playgrounds in which many could forge their livelihoods. 

The lionisation of jugaad is an attitudinal problem, and may not change immediately. But the task of creating a new generation of civic technologies that act as playgrounds can be addressed more readily.  In fact, it is precisely during crises such as the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic that India acutely requires such platforms.

Consider the post-lockdown task of economic reconstruction in India, which requires targeted policy interventions. Currently, the Indian government is blinkered to address only two categories of actors who need economic assistance: large corporations with their bottom lines at risk, and at the micro-level, individuals whose stand to lose livelihoods. India’s banks will bail out Big Business, while government agencies will train their digital public goods — Aadhaar, UPI, eKYC etc — to offer financial assistance to individuals. This formulaic approach misses out the vast category of SMEs who employ millions, account for nearly 40% of India’s exports, pull in informal businesses into the supply chain and provide critical products to the big industries.

To be sure, the data to identify SMEs (Income Tax Returns/ GSTN/ PAN) exists, as do the digital infrastructure to effect payments and micro-loans. The funds would come not only from government coffers but also through philanthropic efforts that have gained steam in the wake of the pandemic. However, the “playground” needs to be created — a single digital platform that can provide loans, grants or subsidies to SMEs based on specific needs, whether for salaries, utilities or other loan payments. A front-end application would provide any government official information about schemes applied for, and funds disbursed to a given SME.

Civic technologies in India have long been understood to mean small-scale technologies. This is a legacy of history and politics, which policymakers have to reckon with. The civic value of technology does not lie in the extent to which it is localised, but its ability to reach the most vulnerable sections of a stratified society like India’s. The Indian government, no matter how expansive its administrative machinery is, cannot do this on its own. It has to create “playgrounds” — involving banks, cooperative societies, regulators, software developers, startups, data fiduciaries and underwriting modellers — if it intends to make digital technologies meaningful and socially relevant.  

Please Note: A version of this was first published on Business Standard on 17 April 2020

About the author: Arun Mohan Sukumar is a PhD candidate at the Fletcher School, Tufts University, and a volunteer with the non-profit think-tank, iSPIRT. He is currently based in San Francisco. His book, Midnight’s Machines: A Political History of Technology in India, was published by Penguin Random House in 2019

#BlackSwan: Has Corona turned your Vitamin into an Aspirin?

One lens I use to evaluate startup opportunities – and have written about in the past – is, are you offering an Aspirin or a Vitamin? My basic premise is that in order to do business with a startup, one has to overcome a lot of inertia – whether you are consuming and more so if you are a business. One way to overcome the inertia is to literally bribe the customer with an offer or cashback that makes it too good to be true. Another is to offer a zero-risk trial period. In most cases, however, savvy customers are simply asking the question – do I need this? Is it solving a pain point? Or is this a nice to have? In other words, is this an Aspirin (pain killer) or a Vitamin (nice to have).

In many cases, startups flounder because the pain isn’t as bad as founders imagine it to be – and the search of establishing Product Market Fit is really one of identifying which customer will deem my product to be an Aspirin. Hopefully, you find that early and if not you keep iterating until you identify that customer segment, the right positioning of the product, and of course getting the product right. At that point, from a VC funding perspective, the other unanswered questions remain, “is this a large enough customer segment – i.e. is the prize worth winning? Can you get to scale before an incumbent or a copycat can outrun you – in other words, is the pain so strong that nobody will look for alternatives? Is the product differentiated enough – and why will YOU win?

When BlackSwan events like Covid19/Coronavirus occur, entrepreneurs often panic and the first reaction is to slow-down everything, hunker down and wait for “normalcy” to return. While this is typically a prudent thing to do, it’s not always the smartest. BlackSwan events do things for us at 1000x the rate of change than one might’ve anticipated – and often lead to permanent behavioral change. This could mean that a product that seemed like a Vitamin before the event suddenly has become an Aspirin, and better still, is likely to remain an Aspirin for ever.

A few examples in the recent past – demonetization in India that ensured that everyone was made aware of digital payments was an opportunity that Paytm and later the UPI Ecosystem grabbed and India hasn’t looked back. While the cynical ones will point out that cash is back, the reality is that everyone from my milkman to my maid to my mother is now at least willing to accept payments digitally – and as I’ve Tweeted elsewhere my 83-year old #digimom is a PhonePe Aficionado! So people’s behaviors change because they have NO alternative.

Covid19/Coronavirus is an even bigger event than Demonetization because it’s global and has impacted EVERYONE – and its caused a change in behaviour that in many cases is likely to be permanent. Suddenly working from home doesn’t seem esoteric – and many founders I’m speaking with are also pleasantly surprised with the increase in productivity, the higher level of trust and creativity with their teams, the more focused execution, etc. Suddenly telling visitors to wash their hands when they meet you, to do namaste, to do contactless delivery no longer seems rude or inappropriate. Suddenly old economy companies are realizing the benefits of Video Conferencing and not insisting on vendors visiting them – rather they are almost insisting on people NOT visiting them. There are dozens of other changes happening in all facets of what we do and how we interact with others.

If you’re an entrepreneur, what do you do? Do you simply wait it out? Do you watch your competitors morph from the sidelines?

Or do you grab the bull by the horn and say “my time has come“!

Whatever you do, make sure you take time out to try and figure out if some dramatic non-linear change is happening, especially directly or in adjacency to your business – especially one that may do one of two things:

  • dramatically increase your market size
  • dramatically increase your rate of “adoption”

If you sense either opportunity, then you owe it to yourself to put a skunkworks team together and quickly validate that this is indeed the case and then figure out the fastest path to OWN that opportunity. Make sure that whatever you are doing is going to significantly improve life for a LARGE number of customers. My personal view is that if there are a compelling value proposition and an opportunity to permanently change customer behavior, focus on it and not over-optimize on the business model initially – but that’s a call dependent on your business.

In all cases, however, you may never get this golden opportunity to 1000x your business opportunity and rate of growth – step out of your box, out of your comfort zone and think hard, experiment quickly and make magic happen. That’s the life and luxury of being an entrepreneur! Because if you aren’t – perhaps your competitor is – and certainly some other startup is being born! Disrupt yourself – before someone else does!

A few founders I spoke to about this asked me, “This is a truly unfortunate time for the world – will we be seen as trying to take advantage of this situation”? The answer I give them is simply, “The world will reject whatever isn’t addressing a pain point – and addressing a pain point is not just grabbing the opportunity, it’s fulfilling a responsibility”.

This is an unusual time and certainly an unfortunate time – but make it count!

About the Author: Sanjay Swamy is Co-Founder & Managing Partner at Priven Advisors, advisory to Prime Venture Partners, a Seed-Stage VC Fund in Bangalore. Prime invests in Fintech, SaaS, HealthCare, Logistics & Education focused technology startups that are addressing real pain-points in the industry! Sanjay can be followed on Twitter @theswamy

Please note: The article was first published on Sanjay’s personal linkedin profile.

#8 Call for Volunteers: Designing Digital Infrastructure for Healthcare at National Scale

Why Healthcare?

Interacting even briefly with the healthcare system reveals the issues that plague the sector in India: a severe shortage of high-quality doctors, nurses, or medical supplies (and a lack of information on where the best are); misdiagnoses or late diagnoses; overcrowding and long waits in public hospitals; overpriced and over-prescribed procedures and in private hospitals; a complicated insurance claim system; and significant gaps in health insurance coverage. Those who have worked on trying to improve the healthcare system know the systemic challenges: misaligned incentives in care delivery, a lack of health data to coordinate care, low state capacity, and the political battles between states and the Centre. Yet not one of us is spared bouts of illness or other health incidents over our lifetime. We have no choice but to work with this system. And when it doesn’t function effectively, the largest effects are felt by the poorest: productivity losses and income shocks caused by health issues have a way of spiralling individuals on the cusp of economic well being back into poverty. 

Designing for high quality, affordable, and accessible healthcare in India is a challenging societal problem worth solving, with huge potential spillover benefits.

iSPIRT in Healthcare

At iSPIRT, we have started to develop an approach to dealing with complex societal problems at national scale. Our work on India Stack and financial inclusion taught us that public digital infrastructure can create a radical transformation in social outcomes when designed with a regulated and shared back-end that enables a number of (sometimes new!) private players to innovate on the front end to deliver better services. After all, innovative companies like Uber or Amazon are built on digital infrastructure: the TCP/IP Internet protocol and GPS systems that were both funded by public research. iSPIRT targets societal challenges by setting an ambitious target that forces us to think from first principles and innovate on the right digital public goods – which then catalyses a private ecosystem to help reach the last mile and solve the challenge at scale.

Over the last three years, members of our Health Stack team have been thinking deeply about how to design for a radical transformation in healthcare outcomes. We have developed a trusted working relationship with the National Health Authority and the Ministry of Health to better understand their operations and the issues at play. Our approach to addressing the challenge is evolving every day, but we’ve now developed a hypothesis around a set of building blocks that we believe will catalyse the health system. These blocks of digital infrastructure will, we hope, improve capacity at the edges of the system and realign institutional incentives to solve for long term holistic healthcare for all. 

Health Stack Digital Building Blocks Overview (Work in Progress!)

Some further teasers to our approach are included in the attached writeup which provides an overview of some of the more mature building blocks we hope to implement in the coming year. 

We’re striving for an end state of healthcare that looks something like this (cut by population type on the left):

These ideas were presented by the team recently to Bill Gates in a closed-door meet last month (who said he was excited to see what we could accomplish!)

We need your help!

To help shape our ideas and make them a reality, we need more volunteers — particularly those with the following expertise:

  1. Technical Experts (e.g. microeconomists or engineers): We have a few building blocks with broad design principles that need fleshing out – for instance, a Matching Engine to between individuals and doctors/hospitals. If you are a microeconomist (especially if you have thought about bidding/auction design for a matching engine, and more generally want to solve for misaligned incentives in market structure) or you’re a techie interested in contributing to solve a problem at a national scale, please reach out! Prior expertise in healthcare is not a prerequisite. Also, if you’ve looked through the document and find a block where you think your technical expertise could help us build, certainly let us know. 
  2. Current and Future HealthTech Entrepreneurs: Often, a successful health tech startup requires some public infrastructure to be successful. For instance, a powerful rating and recommendation app need a trusted electronic registry of doctors and hospitals providing core master data. Many of our Health Stack modules are designed to catalyse private sector participation and market potential for better products and services, which in turn produce better outcomes for individuals. If you are interested in helping design public infrastructure that your company could use or are a potential health tech entrepreneur interested in learning more about the ecosystem by building for it, please let us know!
  3. Healthcare Policy/Program Implementation Expertise: Field experience in healthcare delivery is invaluable – it gives us a true sense of the real challenges on the ground. If you’ve worked in delivering healthcare programs before with government, a non-profit, the private sector, an international organisation, or philanthropy and have ideas on what’s needed for an improvement in the sector at national scale, we’d love to hear from you. 
  4. Market making/ Health Stack Evangelisation: Any technology is only as good as its adoption! As some building blocks of the health stack get implemented, we are looking for volunteers who can help evangelise and drive its adoption.

India’s potential in the health sector is tremendous – partly because we have an opportunity to redesign not just the technology foundation (which is a near-greenfield) but also the market structure. With the right team, we hope to orchestrate an orbit shift in the quality and affordability of healthcare across the country.  

To volunteer, please reach out to and 

Announcement: iSPIRT Foundation & Japan’s IPA to work together on Digital Public Platforms

Information-technology Promotion Agency, Japan (IPA), Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO), and the Indian Software Product Industry Roundtable (iSPIRT) have shared common views that (i) our society will be transformed into a new digital society where due to the rapid and continued development of new digital technologies and digital infrastructure including digital public platforms, real-time and other data would be utilized for the benefit of people’s lives and industrial activities, (ii) there are growing necessities that digital infrastructure, together with social system and industrial platforms should be designed, developed and utilized appropriately for ensuring trust in society and industry along with a variety of engaged stakeholders and (iii) such well-designed digital infrastructure, social system and industrial platforms could have a great potential to play significant roles to improve efficiencies of societal services, facilitate businesses, realize economic development and solve social issues in many countries. 

Today, we affirm our commitment to launching our cooperation and collaboration through the bringing together of different expertise from each institution in the area of digital infrastructure, including mutual information sharing of development of digital infrastructure, in particular, periodic communication and exchange of views to enhance the capability of architecture design and establishment of digital infrastructure. We further affirm that as a first step of our cooperation, we will facilitate a joint study on digital infrastructure, such as (i) the situation of how such digital infrastructures have been established and utilized in India, Japan and/or other countries in Africa or other Asian regions (the Third Countries) as agreed among the parties, (ii) how the architecture was or can be designed for digital infrastructure as a basis for delivering societal services in the Third Countries and (iii) what kind of business collaboration could be realized, to review and analyze the possibility of developing digital infrastructure in the Third Countries through Japan-India cooperation. We may consider arranging a workshop or business matching as a part of the joint study to figure out realistic use cases.

Our cooperation is consistent with the “Japan-India Digital Partnership” launched between the Ministry of Economy Trade and Industry, Government of Japan and the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Government of India in October 2018. We will work closely together and may consider working with other parties to promote and accelerate our cooperation if necessary.

For any clarification, please reach out to